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A view of the San Francisco Bay shoreline near Richmond, California, featuring a mix of greenery, wildflowers, and shrubs in the foreground. In the background, there are remnants of old structures, including a wooden pier and small buildings near the water. The bay is visible, with hills and trees on the distant shoreline under a clear blue sky.

Settlement Proposed for Oil Spill Discharges in Richmond, California in the San Francisco Bay Estuary

small red abalone are shown on a glass slide

Abalone Restoration to Help Boost Dwindling Populations in Southern California

castro cove restoration site picturing marshland and a waterway

Castro Cove Settlement Funds Two Successful Habitat Restoration Projects in California

Oil spill workers in white protective gear clean oil from a sandy beach.

Public Meeting and Call for Restoration Projects for Huntington Beach Pipeline Spill in California

Juvenile Chinook salmon. Image: USFWS

30 Years of West Coast Salmon Restoration: By the Numbers

Map of overflight wildlife surveys during the Refugio Beach oil spill response and assessment (NOAA).

New Story Map: Refugio Beach Oil Spill

An underwater photo of a diver removing sea urchins from a rock in green water.

Marking 30 Years of Restoring Underwater Ecosystems After Pollution

The trustee response team collecting wildlife samples, at Refugio State Beach as part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Photo Credit: CDFW/OSPR

$22 Million Approved to Restore Habitats, Wildlife and Recreation Impacted by Refugio Beach Oil Spill

Oil on the beach at Refugio State Park in Santa Barbara, California, on May 19, 2015. (U.S. Coast Guard)

$22.3 Million Settlement Finalized to Restore Natural Resources Injured by Refugio Beach Oil Spill

Oil lines the shore  on Refugio Beach after a 2015 oil spill, Santa Barbara, CA

Refugio Beach Oil Spill Trustees Release a Draft Assessment and Restoration Plan for Public Comment

Two cleanup workers in white protective gear and yellow boots stand next to oiled rocks and ocean in background.

$22.3 Million Proposed to Restore Natural Resources Injured by Refugio Beach Oil Spill

Kelp forests like this one of of Catalina Island provide shelter and food for fish and invertebrate species.

NOAA Announces Partnership to Restore Habitats Damaged by Oil and Hazardous Waste

Eelgrass along the bottom provides foraging areas and shelter for fish. NOAA photo by Adam Obaza.

10 Years Later: Restoring Injured Natural Resources after Cosco Busan

This photo was taken during an overflight near Richmond Bridge. A sheen with brown oil in the convergence was visible. Photo credit NOAA.

Assessing Cosco Busan: The Damage From 10 Years Ago

Beach Watch surveyors. Image credit: Jan Roletto/ GFNM

Sentinels of the Coast: Surveying the Beaches After Cosco Busan

This photo is from a press conference at Fort Mason following the Cosco Busan oil spill. Fort Mason was the Incident Command Post during the oil spill response.

The Initial Call: Looking Back 10 Years to the Day of the Cosco Busan Oil Spill

Remembering Cosco Busan: An Overview of the 2007 Oil Spill

Crews recover boom from Refugio Beach Oil Spill.

Refugio Beach Oil Spill—What Happens Next?

Case Pages