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Shoreline Habitat


a walking path is shown next to a river

Trustees Release Final Restoration Plan to Implement Shoreline and Wetland Restoration Projects at Metal Bank Site

a ship tilts in chippy ocean water with fog in the background

Request for Public Comments on the Draft Assessment and Restoration Plan for Marine Resources Injured by the Selendang Ayu Oil Spill

Yellowish waxy petroleum product on a shoreline in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Final Settlement for Restoration After an Oil Spill in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas

eelgrass is show floating in water

Port Angeles Harbor Trustee Council to Implement Eelgrass Planting on Ediz Hook in Washington

the bayou d'inde site is seen amongst water and green foliage within the water

Bayou d'Inde Draft Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment Available for Public Comment

This image is taken from an airborne drone. You can see upstream on the left. In the foreground you can see the breach in the levee where river water is pouring into the site. Heavy equipment is parked on either side of the breach.

Tidal Flow Restored to 353 Acres at Blue Heron Slough in Western Washington State

Oiled marsh after the Citgo Refinery oil spill

Trustees Release Final Plan to Restore 432 Acres of Habitat Injured by 2006 Citgo Spill in Louisiana

Overflight photo of shoreline sheening and recovery operations

Comment on Draft Restoration Plan Proposing 432 Acres of Restored Habitat Injured by the Citgo, Calcasieu River Oil Spill

Two days after the spill occurred, oil had spread nearly 100 miles downriver, and carried into forested batture habitat.

Final Plan Released to Restore Natural Resources Impacted by the Fuel Barge DM932 Oil Spill

Coast Guard boats skimming surface oil from Shell Green Canyon oil spill site

Natural Resource Trustees Request Public Comments on Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Shell Green Canyon 248 Oil Spill

Overflight photo of shoreline sheening and recovery operations (NOAA).

$19.69 M Proposed for Restoration on Calcasieu River, Louisiana

Aerial photo of batture with oiling from Barge DM932 Oil Spill

Trustees for Gretna DM 932 Mississippi River Oil Spill Release Draft Restoration Plan for Public Comment

Heavy machinery excavates near where the Delaware River converges with the Cooper River

$700,000 Approved to Support New Jersey Habitat Restoration and Public Access Project

Aerial view of the Cramer Hill Park habitat and recreation restoration site. Photo: State of New Jersey

Draft Amendment to the Presidente Rivera 1996 Restoration Plan Released for Public Comment

Silhouette of a common loon swimming on the surface of a river as the sun sets. Photo: Joseph Sands, USFWS.

Out For Public Input: Draft Plan to Restore Birds Killed, Injured by 2003 Oil Spill

Case Pages